Mississippi Stud Rules And Strategy


The strategy is easy to remember and has a house edge of only 0.06% higher than the optimal strategy. Summary: 1) Any 4-card or higher flush, raise the maximum bet. 2) 3-card flush of rank T-8-6 or higher, raise. 3) Otherwise, fold. Example: Raise Fold Game Rules Feedback. 1 Five-Card Stud 1.1 Sequence of Play 1.2 Betting Rules of Five-Card Stud 1.3 Strategy 2 Seven-Card Stud 2.1 Rules of Seven-Card Stud 3 Caribbean Stud 4 Razz 5 London Lowball 6 Mississippi stud 6.1 Mississippi Stud rules 7 Mexican stud 8 Blind stud Players place an ante on the table. The ante is set by the card room, and is not applicable in games where increments are $0.50/$1.00. Appropriately raising and folding are the keys to correct Mississippi Stud strategy. On 3rd street, you’ll either fold, bet equal to the ante, or raise by 3X the ante. You’ll never raise 2X the ante—that’s never mathematically correct. You’ll make the max raise on 3rd street if you have any pair at all. Mississippi Stud® is a five-card poker game that lets you bet up to 10 units on a single hand. In Mississippi Stud®, you compete against a paytable, not against the dealer, and you win if your hand is a pair of Jacks or better (pairs of 6s-10s push). The top payout is 500 to 1 for a Royal Flush- and it pays on all bets!


I've never played MS Stud live, but if everyone folds, does the dealer still bother to expose the community cards?

We do where I work, and everywhere else I've seen the game.
Mississippi Stud Rules And StrategyI really want to like this game, but it is just almost as mind-numbingly boring as let-it-ride. The hit % is way too low.
Wisdom is the quality that keeps you out of situations where you would otherwise need it

I really want to like this game, but it is just almost as mind-numbingly boring as let-it-ride. The hit % is way too low.

Yeah but when you win you really WIN. I love it. Especially if the dealer is flashing :)

Yeah but when you win you really WIN. I love it. Especially if the dealer is flashing :)

Mississippi stud online
Yeah...just got JJ on a J3J board on the practice game...doh I would have loved a $2k win for that at a real casino (I would never bet more than $5 ante). I think the quad payout is a big reason this game is popular.

I'd like to invite my loyal guinea pigs to try out JB's new Mississippi Stud game. You may wish to review the strategy first.
Please report any bugs, in particular where the advice doesn't match my strategy. I welcome all other comments too.

Hi Wizard,
I found a bug.Mississippi
On AKQJ (different suits) it warns me that a 1x bet is not the correct play. It doesn't give the warning for a 3x bet. 1x is, in fact, the correct play (it's the play given in your strategy, and, indeed, each additional bet (past the first) has an EV of -1/12 of a bet:
((12 outs to a big pair x 1) + (4 outs to a straight x 4) + (32 outs to a loss x -1)) / 48 cards = -4 / 48.
Note that if the payout for a straight is 5-1 (as several sources claim that it is at the Barona) then 1x, 2x, or 3x would all be equal plays (since each additional bet would have 0 EV). However, the payout in your practice game is 4-1.
I'm not sure if this bug is caused by using the incorrect straight payout in the calculations, or if it's caused by mistakenly thinking that AKQJ is open-ended (rather than a gutshot). If it's the latter, it may also be worth checking that:
1. The game doesn't pay a 'wrap-around' straight (eg, JQKA2) as a straight (unlikely), and
2. The game doesn't also advice a 3x raise on A234 (likely).Mississippi
Overall, it's a great game, though. Much better than the one that you link to at the bottom of your MS stud page.

Mississippi Stud Card Game


...On AKQJ (different suits) it warns me that a 1x bet is not the correct play...

I saw the same error today.
I, too, enjoy this trainer, and I think I'm ready to play with real money.

On AKQJ (different suits) it warns me that a 1x bet is not the correct play

Good catch, thanks. It was incorrectly treating AKQJ as not having a gap. A234 was already being treated as having a gap.
It should be fixed now.

Best Mississippi Stud Strategy

So, how does this work? Does the Wiz just send you a check? :)
JB! There aren't enough room for all the digits in the WIN box. Does that count as a bug?

JB! There aren't enough room for all the digits in the WIN box. Does that count as a bug?

<sheepishly> Yes.
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